Do you feel stuck?
If you do, I know just how you feel. I have felt that way in the past. Years ago, there was this nudge that wouldn't go away. I knew it was time to make changes in order to leave a 21 year career. It wasn't an easy move, I liked my job, it's familiar surroundings, and all the benefits that come with a major corporation, plus all the great people I worked with internally and in the community. I knew I had to leave and start taking steps towards my dream of becoming a teacher. I took action, enrolled in the necessary courses and within seven months I was ready to take my big leap into public education. In May of 2005, I left my career and in August I was hired as a Marketing and Business Teacher at Ocoee High School. Only to learn sixty days into my new career, that my late husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer.
It was a difficult time, plus it was extremely difficult to focus on a new career when my husband was fighting for his life. At this time in my life, I didn't have the knowledge or relationship with Jesus like I do now, with all that being said, I truly believe God longs for his kids to trust him even when we can't see what's up ahead. God wants us to rely on him to teach us as we take one step at a time. We may not remember personally, but we've all been helped when we were babies to learn how to walk, then as kids to ride a bike and learn to drive. Once we've mastered those skills, we don't need the hands that once held our hands or need moment by moment instructions. I think it's the same way with God, we will get to a place in our relationship with Jesus and like a good parent He will always be there but He's not going to carry us or hold our hand every minute. He bids us to come and step out into the unknown. Like Peter, we need to take that step even if it's storming and scary. We can trust God to be there to catch us before we sink. God promises to never leave us (Hebrews 13:5), we can't fail.
This big career move to be a teacher didn't last long, after one school year, I found myself as a caretaker for my husband and then a young widow raising my kids alone and managing our car wash. My life was not what I had planned...but God has a good plan and promises for our lives for us to discover. I've discovered that God can take what was meant to destroy us to strengthen and perfect us. God is calling us to go deeper with Him and to go to the other side. You may feel stuck because you are not pursuing what God wants you to do. What are the dreams and desires in your heart? What has God been nudging you to do? The first step may be challenging, but God promises everything will fall into place when we trust and follow him.
Today, I'd like to share with you one of the first things God has been nudging me to do for sometime, updating my website! Please check it out by clicking here Check Out Zoe Life Website button or on the button below. My husband Donnie designed it and we would love your feedback over the next couple weeks before I begin to promote it on social media. My books are available, I will have other items soon geared to help you spread the good news of the gospel or at least start a conversation. As I begin pursuing these next steps, please pray for me and I'll be praying for you.
Copyright © 2017 Sheri Austin Ministries, All rights reserved.